code of conduct
Pet Sitters will keep all information about Clients – their names, their movements, their property – strictly confidential (the ability to be discreet is an important part of the trust we aim to build with our clients.)
​Pet Sitters will provide loving, quality pet care and companionship to all pets in the comfort of their own home. We will provide peace of mind for our clients when they can’t be home with their pets by taking the time to understand the needs of both clients and pets. We will ensure a safe, comfortable and happy environment for all creatures and always exhibit professional conduct, integrity and respect for all pets and personal property in our care. ​
​Pet Sitters will provide loving, quality pet care and companionship to all pets in the comfort of their own home. We will provide peace of mind for our clients when they can’t be home with their pets by taking the time to understand the needs of both clients and pets. We will ensure a safe, comfortable and happy environment for all creatures and always exhibit professional conduct, integrity and respect for all pets and personal property in our care. ​
Pet Sitters will ensure the health, safety and security of all pets in our care and give them the exercise, love and companionship they deserve and require to live long and healthy lives. ​
The Pet Sitter will act in the best interest of the pets in their care at all times, seeking veterinary advice or assistance if the animal sustains any injury while under their care or a known condition of a sick animal starts to deteriorate in any way.
Pet Sitters will update head office and the client regularly while performing their duties and report any emergencies or abnormalities as soon as they arise.​
Overnight Stays require the sitter to be in the home for a minimum of 12 hours. Any extra time is at the pleasure and choice of the Pet Sitter. When leaving a property unoccupied, for however short a period, the Pet Sitter will ensure that the property is securely locked up, switching on all alarm systems, if installed, and follow all YKS Key Policies to ensure the security of your home.​
If the Pet Sitter becomes ill and/or is no longer able to fulfil their duties, the Pet Sitter will contact head office and a replacement will be made immediately. ​
Pet Sitters will follow all individualized House Rules set out by the client and will not have any overnight guests.​ Pet Sitters may have one guest with the clients approval and notice to head office.
The consummation of non-prescribed drugs by the Pet Sitter is strictly forbidden. Smoking is restricted to the outdoors with an appropriate ash tray that will be disposed of by the Pet Sitter upon completion of service.​
The Pet Sitter may only consume food that is likely to perish before the Clients return, i.e. ripe fruit, etc and will not consume any of the client’s alcoholic drinks. The Pet Sitter will bring their own food during their stay.​
The Pet Sitter will leave the house in a clean and well-cared for condition, same as the client has left their home on the first day of service.